Nicky's Blog

Back to the Starting Line

My weight loss journey so far this year has not exactly been one of great success. I started the year at 272.4 pounds. By March, I'd put on 11 pounds.

It wasn't the best start to the year. I spent about a month on the couch, unable to muster up more energy than was required to work, eat, and walk the dog. On top of that, the winter blues were still in full swing and my diet was awful, in both volume and nutritional choices.

I was gradually reducing calories and increasing my gym time through February and March, but it was still not enough to stop the rise. Until, as I wrote about back in April, it clicked that I needed a more drastic change. Change in diet, change in exercise minutes and routine, all of it.

Flash forward a couple of months and I'm finally back to just under my starting weight for the year. I've had another illness keeping me out of the gym last week, but I'm also now down to around 2,400 and 2,500 kcals (cheat days excluded) so I've managed to eek out a pound a bit lost. I've also picked up a few things along the way.

Yoghurt and berries with maple syrup is a great and healthy(ish) breakfast, and while I've been having it with a few slices of toasted granary bread, i'm changing it up with some granola instead. I've even gone out and bought those little cereal bowls I used to laugh at for being far too small to any meaningful amount of cereal, but maybe it's time to start eating the 'recommended serving' amount rather than the 'adult sized' bowl I'd pour.

I've been eating more salads for lunch, although recently I've been having chicken or tuna in place of tofu. I'll probably go back to tofu soon, just needed a change for a bit. More than that though, I've been having side salads more for dinner in place of frozen potato thingies that I might have with Kyev's or fish. Fewer calories, better nturients, better weight loss.

I do need to crack the sugar addiction though. I've bought a new french press to replace the one I broke, so I'm hoping better coffee with encourage lower sugar consumption. Also need to look into better sweeteners; splenda is not the one for me.

The other really good thing is that despite putting on nearly a stone, the graph maping my daily weight through the year is still showing no signs of crossover with either 2022 or 2021, when I started recoding my daily weight. I'm still a ways off my lowest point of 265.5 pounds on my wedding day July 2021, but if I keep it up I might just end up beating that by our anniversary.

Something to aim for.

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